Last year 84 people tested HIV positive at Dean Street. Over half had used HIV PrEP. However, none of them were taking PrEP correctly at the time they caught the infection.
Interviews with recently diagnosed people suggest there are a few reasons for this.
Some people were confused by the 2 hour rule about starting PrEP. In the original study people were advised to start PrEP at least 2 hours before sex. However it’s really important to say that there’s still some protection even if it’s started later on. It’s probably worth starting PrEP even as late as 72 hours after sex. Then continue to take one pill a day and contact the clinic for advice as soon as you can. We may recommend adding another drug to turn it into PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis).
Others said that they had assumed that everyone else was taking PrEP and that this would protect them from HIV. The only way to be sure that you are protected is to take it yourself. Take control.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to stay on PrEP. That’s why we now offer 5 ways to get it. We’ve just launched a new ‘Priority PrEP’ service where we release extra appointments on the day (Mon-Fri). Don’t forget you can walk into Dean Street Express to get an emergency supply if you’re running out.